EPRC Categorical Workshop Registration Form

Yes I would like to participate in the update to the Eastsound Subarea Plan

I would like to take part in one of the following work groups:

Livability: Residential density and commercial intensity inside and outside the village core, mix of uses, affordable housing, residential accessories to allowed commercial uses, and anything else influencing achievable density with the mandate to accommodate half of Orcas Island residential growth in the UGA, including incentives and strategies

Character: Building design, scale, bulk, height, lot coverage, lighting, space between buildings, including incentives and strategies.

Open Spaces: Natural and created open spaces, public areas, paths, streetscapes, wetlands, views of the mountains, water, and shoreline, and including incentives and strategies.

Parking and Roads: On and off-site parking, on-street parking, cluster parking, parking nodes, shared parking, bike lanes, sidewalks, streetscapes, road widths, stormwater infrastructure, and incentives and strategies.

Opportunities: Public Spaces, private possibilities looking to prioritize opportunities, Fern St., Crescent Beach Rd., 'A' St., Rose St., and incentives and strategies.

By submitting this form I agree to commit 16 to 24 hours of my time over the next two months toward working with other concerned community members in an effort to assist the EPRC in recommending revisions to the goals, policies, and regulations of the Eastsound Subarea Plan:

First name:

Last name:

email address (required):
Phone (with area code):

To enhance your ability to contribute to the success of the work groups cited above for Eastsound 2035, please download and familiarize yourself with the following documents:

The The Eastsound Comprehensive Plan (goals and policies)

The The Eastsound Subarea Plan Index   (http://doebay.net/eprc/ES subarea plan Index.jpeg)     

The Eastsound Subarea plan (regulations)

The reader needs to scroll down to Article VIII   (http://www.codepublishing.com/WA/SanJuanCounty/#!/SanJuanCounty18/SanJuanCounty1830.html#18.30)     

Seeking a Vision for Eastsound   (http://www.orcaslibrary.org/docs/vision4eastsound.pdf)     

Visioning Workshop and Stakeholder Suvey Comments  (http://doebay.net/eprc/Visionplanningcomments.pdf)     

ES subarea plan map 2016-10-18  (http://doebay.net/eprc/ES subarea plan map 2016-10-18.pdf)

In the box below, please answer the following questions:

  • What motivated you to participate?
  • What interests you most about the future of Eastsound?
  • Any other comments, questions or requests

Thank You!

© 2017 Jeff Otis