Straw Poll for San Juan County


First name:

Last name:

email address (required):
Phone (with area code):

Perhaps the biggest overall "hard" choice for the citizens and decision makers of San Juan County to make is how big we wish to be. The Vision Statement did not specify a maximum population size. If this is important to you, now is your chance to say so. For context read the Vision Statement (page 2 of the Introduction to the Comp Plan, available via Note that the choices indicated below represent a first approximation. They are to be used to help show an intention, a direction, not an exact goal.

Note also that if you choose not to participate in this poll by not marking a response, your choice to not participate will signify two things:

a. That you willingly accept that others will make the choice without your input;

b. That you accept that the buildout population could be the largest number shown below.

Please indicate by selecting only one choice below, the maximum population size for San Juan County that you believe is consistent with the Vision Statement or which you believe is 'right' for the county. The current county resident population is estimated to be about 16,000 people.

16,000 (current population)






I don't care

Please offer any comments about how and why you chose your maximum population value; your comments will help inform the conversation about what is "full"

Further Comments and concerns:

Thank You!

© 2017 Island Stewards