Reasons for Supporting the Comp Plan Appeal

What fellow islanders have said in notes along with their checks:

"Never have so many owed so much to so few", W. C.

"I have a much better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish and am pleased to be able to contribute...Keep up the good work." J. F.

"It's not much, but all I can afford at the moment. Good Luck!" J. E.

"I enjoyed our recent meeting and the opportunity to learn more about the Comp Plan appeal proces. As a private citizen, I greatly appreciate the work that you and your colleagues have done to assure county compliance with our vision statement. I have enclosed a check for $100 to help your team with the legal costs involved in your effort. ..I believe you have a large constituency of supporters. I send my personal thanks and encouragement as you proceed with the appeal." M.C.

I'll write a letter to the editor this weekend. Thanks for the information on the internet to help me get the facts and up to speed. I have had my head in the sand. D.B.

We certainly relate to, and thank you for your work on County Land Density...We support and deeply appreciate your interest and work. E.H.

I sincerely agree with you and support your efforts. I did send letters to Commissioners. This small check I am sending I hope it will help a little. L.S.

Thank you for all you are doing. I am grateful. A small contribution that, combined with others, makes a powerful impact. G.W.

Thanks for your incredible effort to correct the comp Plan and to preserve our wonderful Islands. V.O.

I guess I have you on my mind because what you are doing is so critical to the direction of the islands for the future. The past is, regrettably, where the war was already lost. But, it is still worth fighting a rear-action battle along the way. I think our elected officials are more interested in avoiding rancor and conflict, which while perfectly understandable, is to the eventual detriment of our way of life.

What we have needed in these islands are protective, caring commissioners with vision and a willingness to debate, educate, and dialogue about what it means to grow at 25-40% each of the past two decades, and to use some of the creative methods to curb such unbridled growth that have been employed by some communities in the West. Unfortunately, I cannot see that leadership or guidance is what we have gotten in the past decade of so. As painful as confronting the issue and consequences might be in the short-run, the islands will be paying the price now and in the future. ANYTHING you do to slow down the pace and raise the issues to a level of discussion is worthwhile, regardles of the problem that the tide is already pretty fast-moving. Thank each of you for your care and your time and energy. T.B.

[Your statement here]

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